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Culture Rise™

Inspiring more inclusive, empowering, and resilient leaders.

Contact us to learn more

Better leadership behavior builds better companies.

Culture Rise™ training experiences help individuals and leaders become more self-aware and effective for their teams, departments, and company.

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Upcoming Culture Rise™ Events

Are you ready to become a more resilient, inclusive, and effective leader?

Take a look at our upcoming one-day Culture Rise™ experiences, and don't miss your opportunity to enhance your leadership skills. 

Check Out Our Events

Culture Rise™ takeaways:

  • To create more resilient leaders - we consider introspecting on how individual behaviors impact culture.
  • To dismantle outdated leadership styles - we identify how small, inclusive changes in your behavior can have big effects on others.
  • To improve morale and employee retention - we showcase how misbehaviors and unforgiveness can be the legacy of your leadership.
  • And much more!


We are practitioners, not academics.

Everything we teach is based on lived experiences from real leaders running real businesses. Our facilitators build an empathic connection—leader-to-leader on a human level.

We go there.

We cover topics most leadership training shy away from. Why? Because real change begins where your comfort zone ends.

Inclusive leadership

Psychological safety

Misbehaviors & unforgiveness

Types of power


Mindsets & attitudes

Vulnerability-based trust

Giving & receiving feedback

...and many more

Group 2245

Event logistics:

Interactive technology

Virtual events leverage second-screen tools to maintain engagement and inclusion throughout.

No pre-work necessary

Just show up ready to engage and share.

One or two day events

Focused and flexible in-person or virtual experiences to suit any team.

50 attendees per session

We limit the size of sessions to keep things personal.

Behavior-based training

Impactful techniques you can implement immediately.

Leadership behavior shapes company culture.

Building inclusive, empowering behaviors through Culture Rise™ is the first step in a proven Framework of success that leads to stronger cultures, high-performing teams, and better business outcomes.

What we teach resonates around the world.

Across the globe, thousands of leaders from 46+ countries have already learned how to be more inclusive, more trusting, and more psychologically safe. These leaders are bringing humanity back to their workplaces.


Ashley K.

Culture Rise™

“It’s probably fair to say that Culture Rise was unlike any other training course that I’ve done in my career. At times, it was a little uncomfortable, but it was extremely educational about the way that we think and the way that we influence those around us, whether we realize it or not.”

Hamid R.

Culture Rise™

“I feel like it’s a different way of thinking, a different way of looking at not only leadership but humanity in the work-place… It’s not something that we’ll be able to change immediately, but it gave me bite-sized pieces of things that I can continually work on as a person–not [just] a person at work or a person at home, but a person in general.”

Susan H.

Culture Rise™

I think this is going to make this whole place a better world. Be it as a company... or anywhere for that matter.

Meet the facilitators of Culture Rise™.

Our Culture Rise™ Facilitators help you and your team develop deeper personal relationships and make meaningful change—together.


Mohammad Anwar

Founding member


Lydia Hutchings Bardin

Founding member


Frank Danna

Founding member


Kristen Khan

Founding member


Ashley Ward

Founding member


Chris Pitre

Founding member


Chelsie Atkinson

Founding member


Jeff Ma

Founding member